Emily + Michael // Washington Memorial Chapel // Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

Yep, another destination wedding. We have had such a great time traveling this year, seeing new places, and experiencing cities we've never seen. Emily + Michael live a few blocks from us in Dayton, but Emily is from the Philadelphia area. They got married at the historic Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge, just a quick drive outside of Philly. The weather was absolutely amazing, and these two just ooze love for each other. It's so easy to photograph a couple that shows affection like these two. Of course, a trip to Philly means we were finally able to try a real cheesesteak. We're happy to give your our opinion (and it might surprise you) if you're interested.

Also, this post is a little out of order, but Mike is a captain in the Air Force, and he's being deployed this week. The military influence on this wedding is evident. Servicemen have a bond that's deep, and service to our country is something that Mindy and I have a huge respect for, especially having a dad who was a Marine and a brother in the Army. At the reception all of the people who have served in the military were asked to stand, and more than half of the room was on their feet, the other half clapping and crying (including us!).

Michael, we're proud to call you a friend, and we can't wait to welcome you back home. Serve well.


Best of 2013 // Engagements


Kelsey + Andrew // Olowalu Destination Wedding // Maui, Hawaii