The Perlows :: Dayton Anytime Session
David and Shannon are the masterminds behind Locke Innovations. We met them about 4 years ago during a consultation for our own wedding. They photographed our wedding back in 2006, and we’ve managed to keep in touch since then. They were an integral part of helping us form our business early last year, and they’ve continued to be a great support for us.
So needless to say, it was pretty cool when they asked us to take some portraits of them for their new website. We spent an evening in Yellow Springs talking, posing, experimenting, and just hanging out.
This first shot is pretty unique for us. It’s the first real successful attempt at “free lensing,” which creates the unique effect you see. I’m pretty excited to try this more often in the future!
Julie + Haddon :: Chicago Wedding Photography
Okay… maybe Chicago is a bit of a stretch. We had the privilage of photographing Julie and Haddon’s wedding at the County Line Orchard in Valparaiso, Indiana. It’s about an hour outside of the city. Close enough for me!
Julie is a friend of ours from Cedarville, Haddon went there too, but we’d actually not met him while we were there. Knowing Julie, we had some pretty high expectations. When Julie got to college, she predicted, “I’m not going to find a husband while I’m here.” Apparently Haddon had other plans. And I can say with certainty, Haddon exceeded our expectations.
They’re one of the couples that people just gravitate to. Mindy and I were driving back to our hotel room and both realized that we were sad the wedding was over, just because we didn’t feel like we were finished hanging out. The bridal party was excellent, the family was easy going. Overall, just one of the best weddings we’ve been a part of.
In his toast, Matt (the best man) described the couple best, “You can tell a lot about the character of a person by the company they keep.” Truer words were never spoken.
Aimee + Jordan :: Columbus Wedding Photography
Aimee and I have known each other since birth. Our parents have been good friends forever and her grandparents are the ones that introduced my parents. For as long as I can remember Aimee has been in my life. We have had some great times together!
When Aimee announced she was marrying her high school sweatheart, Jordan, I knew I wanted to be the one to photograph their wedding. Lucky for me, Aimee wanted us just as much.
The wedding was in our home town of Marion, which is just north of Columbus. It was such an amazing wedding. Aimee was looking fabulous, the bridal party were rockstars and the weather was perfect. We couldn’t have asked for a better day!
Congrats to you both! Thank you for letting us capture your day, we can’t wait to show you the rest of the photos!
The Harrs :: Dayton Family Photography
Laura’s a blogging mom. Rob works at the amazing design studio known as Forge. They have a son names Chris, and we just found out their expecting a second! We wanted to say congratulations an show off a few of the photos from their recent family session. We had a blast following them around Island Metropark on an overcast afternoon filled with geese (and their poop!), bridges, playgrounds and water fountains. Enjoy!
Jared + Julia :: Dayton Anytime Session
Jared and Julia are good friends of ours from our house church. We did a “going away” photoshoot for them a few weeks before they moved out of Ohio. Jared is on his way to the Northwest for duty in the United States Army. Julia is headed to the Northeast to finish school at Smith. We love them and we’re going to miss them, but we’re happy for this next step in their lives. And as always, I’m very proud to call a serviceman my friend.
Summer Madness & Now Booking for 2011
The heart of wedding season is upon us. This weekend we’ll be in Marion, Ohio spending the day with Aimee and Jordan, and we’re booked solid for the rest of the summer. We’re excited to spend time in Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and Paducah, Kentucky this year. We’re looking forward to the madness ahead.
We’ve started booking for 2011! If you’re engaged and thinking about looking for vendors, consider booking your photographer as soon as possible. Dates will fill up, so don’t wait too long!
We also have a few dates remaining in October, November and early December if you’re still looking. Hit us up for more information!
I leave you with a little sample of our travels ahead this summer. Nuts.