Kaitlin + Eric // Columbus Engagement Photography

Hello from the Outer Banks in North Carolina! We're having a blast, and can't wait to share some of our photos from our trip! In the mean time we've got another great engagement session for you! This has to go down as one of our most favorite engagement sessions ever. Not necessarily because Kaitlin + Eric are more awesome than our other couples (seriously, we love all of you), but because we got to shoot something new. Something we've never photographed before. And it was the weekend of the fourth of July. And they fed us. And we love food... like a lot.

Kaitlin set up a session at a friend's house where she wanted some photos of her and Eric cooking together. They love to cook together, so it seemed fitting. Their friends have a beautiful house just outside of Columbus, and after our little chocolate chip cookie and chopped fruit and vegetable session (which was admittedly inspired by The Sprouted Kitchen), we had the privilige of sticking around and having a huge meal with both of their families. Everything was just ridiculously delicious, and we had a blast getting to know their families and friends.

We want to say a huge thank you to Kaitlin + Eric for having us come crash their Independence Day party with their families, and most definitely for the delicious food and great company.

Check out these shots, and try to tell me you're not craving some cookies. (Also, I wrote this post before vacation, so no, I'm not working on vacation... yet)


Maggie + Bill // St. Louis Wedding Photography


Ashley + Bryan // Cincinnati Engagement Photography