Joy + David - Walnut Woods Engagement Session
Columbus, Ohio

Location: Walnut Woods Metropark
Daniela + Tim - Columbus Ohio Engagement
October has been good to us. We usually have too many shoots and not enough sunny days. The stars aligned and this year the sun has been shining bright on just the right days. The light in Columbus on this evening with Daniela + Tim couldn't have been any better.
We spent our evening strolling through Inniswood Botanical Gardens, sipping some wine and then chasing the sun downtown for some long boarding. Best part of the night, we ended it together at Condado. Our favorite tacos, and two new friends. Nothing better.

Lauren + Max - Rocky Mountain National Park Engagement
Estes Park, Colorado
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.”
― John Muir

2015 - Year In Review
Every year we grow. Every year we learn something new. Every year we make so many new friends, and form bonds with couples that transcend their wedding days. Every year we're more proud of the work we've created, and this year is no exception. Twenty fifteen had it's fair share of challenges, but it was also an incredible year of growth, both as artists and as partners. Mindy and I have been so encouraged and blessed this year, and we have so many people to thank for making all of this possible. This thing we call our job is truly, sincerely, so much more than that.

Flannery + Pat - Downtown Engagement
Columbus, Ohio
Connection. Do you feel it?
The two of them, talking, giggling, touching. Seated in the front of the bar they've been going to since they once lived in the neighborhood. Sharing memories and enjoying each other's company, sipping on familiar drinks they could've ordered for each other without question.
It's these moments, these stories, that we capture with our little photographic boxes. The physics of a camera system can be complicated, but they way photos make us feel is not. The way an image passes through a series of glass elements and makes an impression on a physical surface mirrors the way that same image passes through our minds and makes an impression on our soul. This emotional connection to photography is what keeps us going. This emotional connection with our work is what we look for in new clients. It's the fuel for what we do.
Do you feel it?